Welcome to Another Fuc!≤ing Blog???

Stardate 20230811F

Here. Have a nothing burger on an everything bagel. Do you feel better yet? No? Well, this is a conversation between me, myself, humanity, God, Legion, and I decided that I'm just going to project my little hologram or is it a holograph but does it really matter on the walls of the cave for a change if it begins to torment you, then I suggest you break from your chains or out of your shackles or whatever the fuck it is you think is keeping you from freedom and going out into the light, Stupid! What? I got the grammar wrong? But did I though? Maybe I meant to. Maybe it makes it all better. Have you seen what passes for good thinking and writing these days? What people are paid to write and think? My eyes are still in my head so maybe it's not that bad. Think about this, if everything has been said and done already, poorly and masterfully, and there is nothing new under the sun, then I feel no shame in typing on this goddamned keyboard like a monkey for eternity. Maybe I'll reproduce the truth by accident. Maybe I'll just die. Oh yeah? So what!

I know. You like it more refined than that. You are a grammarian. You have discerning tastes and won't recognize truth unless it's in proper packaging and the light is just right. How about this?

an empty pack slumps in the corner of my room
on top of a bin filled with the forgotten
waiting for freedom
while it hungers for daily bread
I glut
a feast of indifference
and sorrow only
leaving me hungrier
my belly swells
for want of courage

Too juvenile for ya? I know. Try this on for size... You are never more endangered than when you are right and blameless. So, relax.

So what if someone rips me off? Far be it from me to copyright anything. It's a gift to even be able to do this. Nothing is owed to me or you. It's owed to the Universe or it's just free for Christ's sake. What? Blasphemy? Sacrilege? Irreverence? Don't put your shit on me. Own your shit. Nope. I don't want to hear it. All is vanity, remember? Don't set ME chasing the wind. If you don't like it, then do it your damned self. Yes, I know nobody presents the idiom like that, but have you thought about it? What sense does "your damn self" make? Can a thing be damn? There. See? Now I'm all vain again. Damned you!

Stardate 20230813U

It is commonly said that "Money talks and bullshit walks.". I present to you a Satanic inversion of that "common sense" proposition. Here it is. "Bullshit talks and money walks... over to its private jet to fly to deliver more bullshit talks."

Stardate 20230830W

Here are the actual problems humanity faces among the amusements masquerading as problems. Have fun!

  1. How to convince the current world population to return to primitive communism.
  2. How to purchase donkeys that don't bray.
  3. How to find a good person in broad daylight with all the lights on.
  4. How to replace economics with a better story.
  5. Existence of a Grand Unified Theory.
  6. How to perform billiards tricks with comets and planets: the Three Body Problem.
  7. The moral decision of who to leave for dead: the Trolley Problem.
  8. As above if and only if so below: Hegelian Dialectic.
  9. Who wants to be a trillionaire?

Questions for radical educators to ask children of the Panopticon

Stardate 20230907R

Why can't my offerings be incomplete? Aren't there enough complete, well-constructed arguments already? Perhaps it's time for a different approach? A grassroots political uprising in which humanity's best approximations of truth get cemented upon obnoxious repetition, instead of the tawdry lies that are championed by the elite political project? Stop! Just stop, look around, and see what you have done long enough to realize that you are directing your own extinction. And, by extension, your neighbors', their neighbors', etc. until oblivion.

I can think of no better education than one that leads each of us to exhaust our lives examining our spiritual condition and the universe. Such an education requires great patience and more time than The Academy of Bondage affords those who subscribe to it and those who are unwittingly captured by it. What do you mean, "The Academy of Bondage" you nutbag!? Explain yourself, this instant, young man! I'd just like to say, "I don't have to." But, because I like to think I'm a nice guy, I will give you a hint. The Academy of Bondage doesn't want you to have time to think about anything but symbolic (read 'fictitious') -- finance, currency, appreciable assets -- profit.

"Is it ok if we stop here for today?" Why are you asking me? I agreed to spend this time in conversation with you each day, but I am not in charge of where your education takes you or what path you want to take. I am just a guide through what you feel the need to examine. I will gladly spend the rest of my life having this daily conversation with you; it is the most important thing I have ever done in my life. “I’m not sure if that's sad or not.” Why would it be sad? What could be more important? “Writing.” Writing about what? “My story.” What is the substance of your story? “Point taken. You are dismissed.”

Stardate 20240114U

Why should I restrain myself from walking naked through the streets of Leander during the "Texas Winter"? Tell me. Please. What would be the harm? The news isn't succeeding in scaring people enough to start paying attention to the facts of their complicity in mass murder and suicide. Perhaps the sight of a sick, fat and weak middle-aged white male lunatic prancing naked in public might get some attention. Has education succeeded in pulling our heads out of our asses? Is there a surgical technique for rectocephalectomies on the horizon? The Great Conversation has so far enjoyed The Great Ignoring that consumers have succumb to an Orwellian resignation to Satanic inversions. I don't give a damn if you don't think I'm making any sense. I have come to a perverted Socratic moment: you are full of shit and so am I so what the FUCK are we talking about?

You want sense making? Here's some for ya! If the Palestinians are human animals, then the Israelis are zookeepers. The Palestinians are human animals. Therefore, the Israelis are zookeepers. If it's wrong for zookeepers to harm the animals they keep, then Israelis are wrong to harm the Palestinians. It's wrong for zookeepers to harm the animals they keep. Therefore, the Israelis are wrong to harm the Palestinians. Go ahead. Try to root around in that shit and come up smelling like roses.

Here's another one for ya! If there are no civilians in Gaza, then Palestinian babies are military combatants. There are no civilians in Gaza. Therefore, Palestinian babies are military combatants. If Palestinian babies are military combatants, then the Geneva Conventions afford legal protection for the killing of Palestinian babies who threaten the security of Israel. Palestinian babies are military combatants. Therefore, Israel has a legal right to kill Palestinian babies in its defense. Come on, chicken shit. I triple dog dare you.

Still not convinced? Try this on for size. If the IDF does not harm civilians, then none of the 55,000 people killed in Gaza were civilians. The IDF does not harm civilians. Therefore, all 55,000 killed by Israel in Gaza were Hamas fighters. Wait. Why are you being so pedantic? Well, let me ask you. Has cleverly styled rhetoric gotten the job done? No. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get back to my insanities. As I was saying... If Hamas has no more than 50,000 fighters, then the killing of 55,000 Palestinian combatants concludes the conflict. Hamas has no more than 50,000 fighters. Therefore, Israel has already won the war. So, what is it now doing? Hmm? What's that? Banal sphincter says what?

"I think I'm losing my mind this time... this time I'm losing my mind... can't front on that." Umm, you probably should take that quote down. Why? Did you get permission from The Beastie Boys? No. They could sue you. Why would they? It's not a direct quote. I'm safe. But, but, they're Jewish! So? I'm going to bank on them being on the human side of this bitch, not the vengeful side. I think it's safe to infer that from their lyrics; they seem like self-hating anti-semitic Jews to me, like Bernie and Finkelstein. Who cares if I'm wrong. I've got nothing they want and nothing to take. Besides, I'm a self-loathing anti-imperialist. Now, if I may... If the IDF suffers no operational influence from the political speech of its leadership, then the IDF is not Israel's national military. Let's heretofore refer to the last antecedent as "I think." and the last postcedent as "Therefore, I am." In conclusion, I think, therefore I am. What? Why are you being so absurd? Is being serious getting us anywhere? That's what I thought. Look, I'm trying to humorously teach some logic here. What are you doing? I'm clutching my pearls and developing ulcers over my slowly eroding ability to extract improvements to my desired lifestyle from people I don't have to smell. What are you doing? I'm wondering what the IDF is if it's not Israel's national military. It is. It is not. Stop arguing with me. I'm not arguing with you. Look, I didn't come here for an argument. Oh, but you came here for an argument. What you're doing isn't argument. It could be. No, an argument is a fight between two people who don't agree. Ow! Why'd you hit me? To show you the difference between an argument and a fight. An argument is a set of propositions establishing a conclusion while a fight is a series of physical or emotional attacks. For example... If A, then B. A. B. Consequently, if what Yuval Shany says is true, then the IDF is not Israel's national military. What is it, then? I think you're missing the nuance of his statement. What nuance? He flatly asserted that none of the official statements reported by the media have any bearing on IDF conduct. Name one national military that is not utterly hierarchical without politicians ultimately deciding its purpose and that does not maintain a culture of nearly blind obedience. I cannot. As I said before... If we are both full of shit, then neither of is speaking truth to each other. We are both full of shit. Therefore, we are lying to each other. So, what the FUCK are you talking about? What the fuck are YOU talking about? Hell if I know. Oh.

Tell me if you like this bullshit. If a call to "Remember Amalek" does not incite genocide, then genocide is more than the extermination of an entire ethnic group and its livestock. Remember Amalek does not incite genocide. Therefore, genocide = extermination of an entire ethnic group + extermination of its livestock + x. What is x?

Who is left to fight in Gaza that Israel is still bombing it to oblivion? By most accounts, even those of Israel's Western allies, every Palestinian in Gaza is either dead, dying, maimed, injured, fleeing, or on their knees praying that God smiles on them for refusing to leave everything they've held dear behind. Who is Israel fighting now? With no one to fight in Gaza, it makes sense that they would be attacking neighboring Arab states, since there are certainly no Hamas members left in Gaza.

If it was wrong for Nazi Germany to gas to death Jews taking up the offer of showers, then it is wrong for Kahanist Israel to bomb to death Palestinians taking up the offer of refuge. Yes. Please. And let me look you in the eye while you die inside trying to refute it. Some of us in here are twisted fucks and want to see the life drain out of you.